
Matthew Goodman

Table of contents

"我发现自己很难与人交谈 我说的话并不是人们真正会说的 我怎么知道自己是不是很笨拙?"


很多人都担心自己在社交场合是否显得笨拙,尤其是在与不熟悉的人交谈时。 我们的错误让人感觉是在聚光灯下发生的,这种效应如此强烈,以至于心理学家将其称为聚光灯效应[]。

See_also: 如何在 40 多岁时交朋友

要知道自己在别人眼中是否显得笨拙可能很难,尤其是如果您患有 Aspergers 或社交焦虑症的话。 为了帮助您解决这个问题,在本测试中,我们将介绍一些客观的观察结果,您可以将这些观察结果作为指南,来判断自己是否可能在社交方面显得笨拙,如果是的话,我们还将介绍一些应对方法。 此外,请参阅我们的主要文章,了解您为什么可能会显得笨拙。



See_also: 如何进行深度对话(附示例)


  • 第 1 部分:内心独白
  • 第 2 部分:肢体语言
  • 第 3 部分:对话主题和内容
  • 第 4 部分:与小组对话

Matthew Goodman
Matthew Goodman
Jeremy Cruz is a communication enthusiast and language expert dedicated to helping individuals develop their conversational skills and boost their confidence to effectively communicate with anyone. With a background in linguistics and a passion for different cultures, Jeremy combines his knowledge and experience to provide practical tips, strategies, and resources through his widely-recognized blog. With a friendly and relatable tone, Jeremy's articles aim to empower readers to overcome social anxieties, build connections, and leave lasting impressions through impactful conversations. Whether it's navigating professional settings, social gatherings, or everyday interactions, Jeremy believes that everyone has the potential to unlock their communication prowess. Through his engaging writing style and actionable advice, Jeremy guides his readers towards becoming confident and articulate communicators, fostering meaningful relationships in both their personal and professional lives.