
Matthew Goodman

"为什么我交不到朋友? 我觉得没有人喜欢我,我意识到作为一个成年人,这比在学校时要难得多"。 - 金

See_also: 78 条关于真挚友谊的深刻语录(感人至深)



这个小测试可以帮助你诊断出为什么你没有你想要的友谊圈。 一旦你明白了问题所在,我还会为你提供建议,告诉你如何开始解决你的困难。



  1. 做一个内向的人
  2. 患有社交焦虑症或害羞症
  3. 经历抑郁
  4. 患有亚斯伯格症
  5. 缺乏社交经验
  6. 没有社交兴趣
  7. 最近搬家、与伴侣分手或更换工作
  8. 没有时间社交

这是一个复杂的问题,因此我们制作了一个测验。 除了这个测验,您可能还会喜欢这篇关于没有朋友的文章。

See_also: 使人有趣的 12 种品质


  • 第 1 部分:阻碍你交友的思维模式
  • 第 2 部分:没有朋友的根本原因
  • 第 3 部分:导致交友困难的生活状况
  • 第 4 部分:导致交友困难的常见错误
  • 第 5 部分:有不像真正朋友的朋友

Matthew Goodman
Matthew Goodman
Jeremy Cruz is a communication enthusiast and language expert dedicated to helping individuals develop their conversational skills and boost their confidence to effectively communicate with anyone. With a background in linguistics and a passion for different cultures, Jeremy combines his knowledge and experience to provide practical tips, strategies, and resources through his widely-recognized blog. With a friendly and relatable tone, Jeremy's articles aim to empower readers to overcome social anxieties, build connections, and leave lasting impressions through impactful conversations. Whether it's navigating professional settings, social gatherings, or everyday interactions, Jeremy believes that everyone has the potential to unlock their communication prowess. Through his engaging writing style and actionable advice, Jeremy guides his readers towards becoming confident and articulate communicators, fostering meaningful relationships in both their personal and professional lives.