太善良 "与真正善良

太善良 "与真正善良
Matthew Goodman

昨天下午,我和几个朋友一起玩棋盘游戏。 随着我在纽约的社交圈不断扩大,我认识了很多真正善良的人。

[有人在取笑你或把你当门童吗? 那就来读读这本关于如何应对的指南]

然而,人们对 "善良 "的真正含义存在着危险的误解。

在这里,我们玩的是 "路德维希疯王的城堡",尽管我已经尽了最大努力,但还是输得很惨。

善良 "这个词的问题在于,我们把不勇敢的人称为 "善良"。

如果一个人害怕冲突,在应该挺身而出时不挺身而出,我们就会说这个人 "太善良"。 我们的真实意思是,这个人是个懦夫。 但这听起来太刺耳了,所以我们说他善良。

See_also: 无聊时问朋友的 163 个有趣问题


真正的仁慈是在我们认为对大家都好的情况下,在必要的时候与人对峙。 这并不是说要做最不对峙或最不尴尬的事。 而且,通常情况下,我们可以做到既坦诚又仁慈,就像我们在这篇文章中谈到的如何做外交官一样。

要想从 "过于仁慈 "变成真正的仁慈,我们可以这样做:

  • 对你关心的人诚实,即使这很困难
  • 慷慨解囊,赠送礼物给你知道会感恩的朋友
    • (这与对不领情的人慷慨大方是两回事)
  • 每当你的朋友在生活中取得成功时,让他们知道你为他们感到高兴
    • 如果我们自己都不快乐,就很难为他人感到快乐。 因此,我们也需要 "自私 "一点,才能与人为善
  • 如果你欣赏某人所做的事情,请告诉他!

心理学家约翰-杜威(John Dewey)早在两个世纪前就说过这句话:



你今天能做什么善举? 请在评论中告诉我!

See_also: 为什么眼神交流在交流中很重要

Matthew Goodman
Matthew Goodman
Jeremy Cruz is a communication enthusiast and language expert dedicated to helping individuals develop their conversational skills and boost their confidence to effectively communicate with anyone. With a background in linguistics and a passion for different cultures, Jeremy combines his knowledge and experience to provide practical tips, strategies, and resources through his widely-recognized blog. With a friendly and relatable tone, Jeremy's articles aim to empower readers to overcome social anxieties, build connections, and leave lasting impressions through impactful conversations. Whether it's navigating professional settings, social gatherings, or everyday interactions, Jeremy believes that everyone has the potential to unlock their communication prowess. Through his engaging writing style and actionable advice, Jeremy guides his readers towards becoming confident and articulate communicators, fostering meaningful relationships in both their personal and professional lives.