
Matthew Goodman

关于人际关系的 170 个自问自答问题

Viktor Sander 理学士、文学士

提出好问题的 20 个技巧:实例和常见错误

Viktor Sander 理学士、文学士

375 个 "你愿意吗 "问题(任何情况下的最佳问题)

Viktor Sander 理学士、文学士

深入了解男生的 288 个问题

Viktor Sander 理学士、文学士

无聊时问朋友的 163 个有趣问题

Viktor Sander 理学士、文学士

119 个有趣的 "认识你 "问题

Viktor Sander 理学士、文学士

问喜欢的女孩 220 个问题

Viktor Sander 理学士、文学士

认识新朋友时要问的 337 个问题


向喜欢的人提出 252 个问题(适用于发短信和在现实生活中)

Viktor Sander 理学士、文学士

适用于任何情况的 399 个有趣问题

Viktor Sander 理学士、文学士

真正了解一个人的 277 个深度问题

Viktor Sander 理学士、文学士

143 个工作破冰问题:在任何情况下都能茁壮成长

Viktor Sander 理学士、文学士

派对上要问的 123 个问题

Viktor Sander 理学士、文学士

向朋友提出 107 个深层次问题(并建立深层次联系)

Viktor Sander 理学士、文学士

问朋友 210 个问题(适用于各种情况)


了解一个人的 222 个问题(从闲聊到私聊)

Viktor Sander 理学士、文学士

195 个轻松开场白和话题

Viktor Sander 理学士、文学士

Matthew Goodman
Matthew Goodman
Jeremy Cruz is a communication enthusiast and language expert dedicated to helping individuals develop their conversational skills and boost their confidence to effectively communicate with anyone. With a background in linguistics and a passion for different cultures, Jeremy combines his knowledge and experience to provide practical tips, strategies, and resources through his widely-recognized blog. With a friendly and relatable tone, Jeremy's articles aim to empower readers to overcome social anxieties, build connections, and leave lasting impressions through impactful conversations. Whether it's navigating professional settings, social gatherings, or everyday interactions, Jeremy believes that everyone has the potential to unlock their communication prowess. Through his engaging writing style and actionable advice, Jeremy guides his readers towards becoming confident and articulate communicators, fostering meaningful relationships in both their personal and professional lives.